Friday, December 2, 2016

Ironically, these are my two favorite shows of all time. I've watched each one twice. These posters embody the events in the series without giving things away. The Dexter one especially gives us great hints at events.

Monday, November 21, 2016

1. I have one main area of emphasis. It is the word INANE on the cover of my bag. My goal by constructing this word the way that I did, was to embody the definition of inane within the shapes of the text itself. The emphasizes blue word INANE on the black and white background pops. In addition, I stacked the words in a blend to add volume. The effects put on it, make a viewer look at it questioning; How did he make it literally pop off the bag?

2. My bag had strong crazy duplicates on it. I had one rather "regular" image trace, mirrored by a re-colored one. The re-coloring is really what made it inane, because the colors were no things found in nature, they made no sense, and were crazy. Also, the camo pattern on the background moves in all different directions around the bag.

3. My strongest software technique was the re-coloring of things. This feature is what really led to the  whimsical nature of my bag. The new schemes made no sense, which is the point of my bag.

4. My word inane, means things like whimsical, crazy, confusing, unrealistic, and outrageous, ect... That definition is well embodied on my bag when i have many subject matters that make no sense like cow on giant ice cream. Also, I have public figures who are outrageous, like Trump, Clinton, and Kim Jong Un.

Friday, October 21, 2016

The messages in these pieces are people react to creative things in different ways. Some people judge creativity as bad and weird, while others praise ones thought process. Secondly, facts are black and white, whereas feelings are more complicated, represented by color. Lastly, Keetra Dixon tells us that confusion is often turned into a someone being amused. Meaning, that people rather laugh at a confused person instead of helping them.